Metzger Preserve Moth-a-Thon Eastern Grass Tubeworm Caloptilia belfragella Derelict Eucosma Red-banded Leafroller Distinct Sparganothis Yellow-shouldered Slug Canadian Petrophila Celery Leaftier Grape Leaffolder Elegant Grass-Veneer Changeable Grass-Veneer Snowy Urola Orangewing Common Gray Small Engrailed Confused Eusarca (at the event I mistakenly referred to it as White Slant-line) Lesser Grapevine Looper Cherry Scallopshell Virginia Creeper Sphinx Common Gluphisia Clymene Black-banded Owlet Broken-line Hypenodes Baltimore Bomolocha White-lined Bomolocha Green Cloverworm Common Fungus Small Baileya Black-bordered Lemon Even-lined Sallow Grateful Midget Dusky Groundling Bristly Cutworm Armyworm Donacaula sp. Halysidota sp. (Either Banded Tussock or Sycamore Tussock. Requires genitalia inspection to tell the two apart.)