The 10 Percent Challenge is a program to encourage home and business owners to reduce the amount of lawn on their property by ten percent each year. Over five years, this would reduce the amount of mowed space by roughly 40 percent. For example, if you have 500 sq. ft. of lawn, reduce that lawn by 50 sq. ft. this year (an area 5 ft. x 10 ft.). In the second year, reduce the lawn by 45 sq. ft. (an area 5 ft. x 9 ft.). The third year reduce by 40 sq. ft. and so on.
Why reduce the size of your lawn?
It will reduce pollution causing emissions from your gas-powered mower.
Lawns are sterile environments, especially if you regularly mow and use herbicides to maintain a pristine lawn.
According to the University of California, lawns require 40-50% more water than natural landscaping because most lawn grasses have very shallow root systems, thus drying out more quickly.
What should I replace my lawn with?
Native trees and shrubs will create great habitat for both migratory and resident bird species. If using native trees, be careful with mulching habits. Mulch volcanoes around the base of the tree can be very detrimental to trees in the long run.
Native plantings of perennial wildflowers. Many pollinators, including bees, beetles, butterflies, and moths utilize the pollen and nectar created by native wildflowers. Adding wildflower plantings will increase the number of pollinators!
Let the area go wild. Sometimes the best choice is to allow nature to run its course of natural succession. Keep an eye out for invasive exotic species that will try to move in as well and remove those plants immediately.
How do I remove my lawn.
One technique that can be used is a sod cutter tool, which essentially peels the lawn away from the soil.
Repeated tilling (every two to three weeks) will remove the lawn as well as remove the weed seeds from the seed bank.
Chemical. Herbicide will kill the lawn, but will not disrupt the seed bank. When using chemical herbicides, be cognizant of drift that could damage other plants and wear safety gear.
Cover the lawn with cardboard or plastic for a prolonged period. Denying sunlight to the grass will kill it, however it will not destroy the seed bank.